You may recall (or see further down your screen) a post I did not too long ago regarding Museum Replicas, the website where everything rules, all the time. Similar to, but separate from that website we find The Noble Collection. It bills itself similarly as a producer of fine movie replicas, but it lacks where Museum Replicas takes off. It has much less selection and the work seems inferior (not to judge, I'm sure the products are great). However you may have noticed that Museum Replicas didn't have any Harry Potter stuff.
"What?" I hear you cry. "A site as awesome as that without a bunch of knockoff Harry Potter memorabilia seems... less awesome." Not to fear. This is where The Noble Collection enters. Do you want an authentic recreation of Harry's wand? I sure do. Remember Hermione's kick-ass Time-Turner; with the little hourglass-mounted-on-a-gyroscope action it had going on? I sure do. How would you like to be the proud owner of Godric Gryffindor's sword (permanently affixed to a piece of wood, but whatever), the one that killed that huge snake? I sure would. Or maybe the Philosopher's Stone? I mean, it's called the Sorcerer's Stone, but we all know what it really is. At least, I sure do.
Let's face it. It's not as good as some aforementioned sites, but where else are you gonna find a pewter mug with the Gryffindor crest embossed into it? Exactly. It might fail in places where Museum Replicas succeeds, but where it succeeds, you get a snake cane. For realsies.

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