Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Nightmare World

Just in time for Hallowe'en, or "The Crawling Never-Night" as the locals call it (I live around some CREEEPY people), I present some short online comics of the distinctly eerie variety, courtesy of Golden Goat Studio's Nightmare World. Published by Mind Over Matter comics, Nightmare World is a series of comics that will apparently all fit together to make one giant, creepy tale of Lovecraftian redemption. But here's the weird (scary?) part. There are two websites that boast different sets of comics. And yet, where some comics do overlap, the writing is identical, but the art is different. Curiouser and curiouser. So while this seems like the official website, this one over here is organized better and has darker art. It also has the benefit of having my favorite story; "While You Sleep I Destroy Your World", a tale of Victorian-era sabotage (of sorts).

While you're reading that, take a listen to the classical track "Danse Macabre", my current favorite song written specifically to conjure the image of a macabre dance of some kind. I like imagining the ghosts of noblemen and their ladies waltzing in a giant abandoned ballroom.

In other news, I totally forgot I had a counter to track how many people are coming here (it's at the bottom of the page). Trends reveal that most people visit on Wednesdays. I don't know why that is, but I'll accept your patronage any day. Also, the number one post I've ever done is that thing on Knuckle Tattoos back in February. Seriously, it gets hit four and a half times as much as the front page you're looking at right now (unless you're looking at the archives. Hi, future visitors!). Can't say why, unless someone out there is linking here. In which case, thank you.

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