Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Daisy Owl

Hey, remember when you were little and you would buy "No-Tears" shampoo? So if you were to wash your hair and rinse it so that the suds run down into your face, it doesn't sting your delicate eyeballs? Well, my question is, why don't they make ALL shampoo tear-free? Since the technology exists, why don't they use it for consumer demographics over the age of five? It would prevent a lot of painful experiences. If, for instance, you were to, in a sleepy stupor, accidentally squirt an entire handful of Head and Shoulders directly into your eye this morning (causing you to wish you could just dig your eye out to stop the pain (a technique known as the Oedipus Maneuver)), the average person's thought process would run like so: "Oh sweet bearded Moses this hurts why hasn't someone made some kind of shampoo that doesn't burn like Hades itself when applied directly to an eye hey wait they HAVE." Anyway.

Recently I started reading Goats, a fairly entertaining webcomic. It's famous because it just so happens to be the longest running webcomic on the truck-o-tubes. Go ahead and compare the new strips to the first one ever, posted on April Fools' Day 1997. Quite a difference. It has color, and story arcs and everything. So instead of reading every single strip (over ten year's worth), I thought to myself "I'll just find some of the newest webcomics online. That way, I won't have too many to read through to determine whether I like it or not, and I'll have indie cred as being one of those guys who are all like 'You know, I was reading it when it was still underground.'" I was also thinking "Jeez, it's like sixteen hours later, why does my eye still burn?" So I started searching, and wouldn't you know it, a gem revealed itself. Daisy Owl is one of the newest webcomics to hit the streets, and it's been pretty much consistently funny since the beginning, all of three months now. Mark my words, this is gonna be big. Enjoy.

P.S.: To those who are keeping up with Heroes: WHAT THE HELL?! I mean, come on. Really, Hiro? Really?

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