Sunday, October 5, 2008

Comic Strip Doctor

HEY! I missed mentioning my 300th post a little over a week ago. Good for me.

To continue in the fine tradition of talking about newspaper comics, I will now direct you to an old favorite webcomic of mine, Wondermark. With its wordy jokes and old-timey illustrations, it's sure to be a hoot and a half.

But that's not what I'm here to talk about. David Malki, genius extraordinaire behind the comic, also runs a little side project, where he goes by "The Comic Strip Doctor", a man with the ultimate goal of haranguing Jim Davis all to hell. A perfect example is in fact the Garfield article, where he writes about a comic strip legacy that has become so dragged out with cheap jokes and lazy direction that people have edited his strips to make them more surreal and arguably funnier (take for instance, Garfield Minus Garfield, Garfield Minus Speech, and a cool little randomizer that takes three random panels and glues them together). He doesn't only go to work on that fat, unfunny cat, though. He's written articles on Cathy, Dennis the Menace, The Wizard of Id, and other less than comedic dailies from the paper. Enjoy.

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