Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Unintentionally Hilarious Comics

I found this great little gem the other day. It outlines unintentional hilarity in comics that we all remember (newspaper comics, not the other kind). Who remembers Mark Trail? What was up with that? Mary Worth? Rex Morgan, M.D.? I feel we should just keep soap operas on the screen, thank you. Enough trees have died for your sins. Check it out here.

I got the name of this post from this Cracked article, who chose the five top comics to make fun of. It shows you panels like this to back up their testimony:

(Sadly, gone are the days of BIFF! and POW!)

As long as I'm on a comics kick, I might as well direct you to Comics I Don't Understand, a site where the confused proprietor uploads comics (sometimes newspaper, sometimes webcomics) he doesn't understand or just finds plain unfunny, often with that same unintentional comedy going on.

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