Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sweeney Todd / Reign In Blood

In what is becoming kind of my new thing, I've decided to start doing some movie reviews here. Last night, I saw Sweeney Todd for the first time, and I admit, I only watched it to see Sacha Baron Cohen get brutally murdered.

I couldn't decide which I liked better.

Not so smug now, are you, Ali G? After I realized that there was still a bunch of time left in this movie, I was tempted just to call it a day with the murder of Borat, but I'm glad I sat it out. Tim Burton falls back on his stock actors of Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter, and I'm glad he did. I honestly can't see anyone else in these roles. Depp has a surprisingly powerful voice, and though the songs are forgettable by normal film-musical standards, he and Carter have wonderful onscreen chemistry. As a side note, I'd like to tip my stylish hat to the digital colorist for this film. It takes about half and hour to get to the first sprays of blood, but when you do, you quickly realize that everything else in the film is either gray or brown. There is literally no bright color in this movie (excepting flashbacks and Pirelli's dashing frock coat) until people start getting all cut up. Quite a contrast. Not exactly a movie I'd buy, but I'd borrow, rent or steal it, sure. 5/10.

And because there's never enough content in these review pieces, take "the heaviest album of all time," Slayer's 1986 "Reign In Blood". It took about ten minutes to realize that I was listening to different songs (they all kind of blended), and another five to realize I had a huge headache. After I finished the album, my iTunes jumped to Vivaldi's Four Seasons. There's a transition for you.

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