Thursday, October 30, 2008

Mirror Blocks

I'm a big fan of nostalgia, which is why every couple weeks I tend to remember something I haven't even heard about in years, wonder if it was as good as I remember it being, find it, reminisce for a bit, blog about it and put it away to remember again in five years. Because of this, I burn through the better pieces of my childhood faster than I can create new ones. By the time I hit fifty, I'll just be reflecting on the good old days non-stop, with no chance for social interaction or food. I plan to die watching The Last Crusade on repeat. Anyway, one thing I really miss? Toys. You hit a certain age and all of a sudden you just can't justify spending ten dollars on a piece of plastic anymore. You start buying stuff like music and movies, or, God forbid, you start saving money for your toyless future and before you know it, you've left all your Transformers behind to get all dusty and whatnot. But all that changed when I saw Rubik's new puzzle.

It makes me want to go spend some money on a piece of plastic that I'll get frustrated with in twenty minutes and end up giving away as a birthday present. Unfortunately, it's currently only available in Japan (of course), so you'll have to buy it from here unless you want to wait until it ships internationally, causing US minds to implode.

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