Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Colorblind Web Page Filter

This morning I inadvertently invented the single greatest game ever. While in a singularly early class, one in which I found myself nodding off, I noticed that multiple students besides myself were yawning. By simulating a yawn just loud enough to get someone's attention, I could cause them to yawn through the well-documented phenomenon of yawn contagion. I could then track the "yawn progression" throughout the entire classroom. My high score for the morning was seven (Bonus points for getting the professor). Beat that.

I've long said I've wanted the neurological "disorder" (for lack of a better word) synesthesia, a phenomenon characterized by the inextricable linking of two senses in an involuntary manner. For instance, a person might look at a certain letter and see it as having a certain color, or in more rare cases, a discrete personality. True.

"T’s are generally crabbed, ungenerous creatures. U is a soulless sort of thing. 4 is honest, but... 3 I cannot trust... 9 is dark, a gentleman, tall and graceful, but politic under his suavity."
WOW. However, until we can upload our mental experiences to some computer and have others experience them vicariously (get to work NASA) or until they legalize LSD my hopes are nothing more than the fevered dreams of a madman. Oh well. At least I can still synthesize colorblindness.

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