Saturday, September 13, 2008


I've spent a lot of time on the internet, and I would say that, oh, twenty, maybe thirty percent of that time has been waiting for things to load. The remaining seventy percent is split equally between reading Cracked articles, watching or listening to things that I should have paid for, telling myself to get up and go outside, writing things on here and watching Flash movies. In all that time, I've seen maybe ten Flash animations that are good enough to bookmark and watch over again. The twist is, most of them are made by the same guy. Adam Philips is a guy who is apparently too good to have an "About" page on his website, but if I may recall some information I could have possibly made up, he used to be a Disney animator and storyboard guy. This led him to the fast-paced and glamorous world of internet stardom, where he started with some awesome animation that I now look back on with disgust. Really. Compared to his newer stuff, It leaves a bad taste in my mouth. But honestly, what other Flash animator got the whistle-player from The Pogues to do a soundtrack for their movie? Honestly though, watch Waterlollies. It's easily the best animation I've ever seen (outside of things that cost money). At least watch the first running scene. If you need more proof than that:

See that? Those are prismatic water droplets. It's pretty good for a medium that usually brings you this.

Ooh, they're sticks.

EDIT: He DOES have an about page! He did work for Disney in the late 1990s, and has actually won a couple of awards for his work. Waterlollies was best movie of 2007 on Newgrounds. So, there's that. He's also apparently in talks for a Brackenwood feature-length film. I'd pay to see that. Thanks, Adam!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, thanks for the plug!
My 'About' page is on my blog ;)
