Friday, August 22, 2008

We Now Return To Our Regularly Something Something

Whew. Okay, so I'm back! Keep in mind that updates will NOT be every day.

So, as I understand it, there's a new term floating around certain circles, one of those new vocabulary words that I'm so fond of. "Greenwashing," apparently a play on "whitewashing," is the term for when a company decides to label a new project or promotion "environmentally friendly" so all the hipsters can feel a little less guilty; especially when the project in question seems green on the surface but is less than sturdy when pushed. A good example of this is the hybrid vehicles that everyone loves to point at, to somehow prove that corporations have the best intentions at heart. I like to think that some do, but never forget that every single money-making enterprise is fueled by people who look out for number one. Specifically, many hybrids are doing far more damage than you might think. Another thing that's really irking me is this sudden dependency on biofuel. While at first glance the idea seems good, you have to consider how much nitrogen is needed to grow corn (it's a lot). What's worse, now farmers are growing corn solely for fuel puposes, ignoring other crops. Crops like wheat. In my area alone, bread prices have rocketed up an extra two dollars a loaf. Here's the kicker: Almost every major revolution in history was sparked by the cost of a comparatively simple commodity. Like tea. Or oil. Or bread. Yeah.

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