Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Yeah, another Steven Spielberg cartoon. And it's just as funny. Here's the thing; Spielberg used to know how to treat children like adults while simultaneously making adults feel like children. Now I'm not so sure. But back then! Oh, back then anything the man touched was pure gold. Including musical sequences.

I must have missed the Ringo accent back when I was too young to know who Ringo was. Also, there are a hell of a lot of states, man. Regarding the clip, I'm mightily impressed that I'm still impressed by this. Turn on any children's channel right now. If you can find a show with half the depth or educational content as that you're watching a show that's designed to be educational; in which case it isn't half as culturally relevant or musically catchy.

EDIT: HA! I just remembered that later on, Yakko did the same style of thing except with countries of the world instead of states. If anything, it's even better.

Upon closer inspection, he forgot a few, not to mention the last few countries that have been officially recognized as sovereign nations. Also, they misspell Israel as "Isreal" (I think). Also, they recognize Tibet, Kosovo and Montenegro as independent states, so heads up, border patrol! Alternately, you can all stop being babies about it.

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