Saturday, May 24, 2008

In Rainbows

Last year, Radiohead had released the last of its contractually obligated albums with EMI, so they were able to choose the method of release for their album In Rainbows. Noting that most of their previous albums had been leaked online months prior to the official release, they made the next logical leap: leak it themselves. For a period of three months starting from October 2007, anyone could download DRM-free (that's good) MP3s off the new album for a price they set themselves. So you could pay nothing or the standard recommended price. Needless to say, most people chose to pay nothing. However, since they released a physical CD of the album in December when the free option came off the Radiohead website, they actually made more money from the "leaked" online version. Way cool. Unfortunately, if you want the album now, you have to pay full price. Or do you?

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