Friday, April 11, 2008

The Beatles Interviews

Apparently, the Beatles were known for both making awesome music and being rather witty with the press. I found this Russian website cataloging some hundred-odd quotes from Beatles interviews and press conferences. Some favorites:

Press: Do you like topless bathing suits?
Ringo: We've been wearing them for years.

Press: Recently there has been an article published in Rolling Stone magazine stating that Day Tripper was about a prostitute, and Norwegian Wood was about a lesbian. What was your intent when writing these songs?
Paul: We were just trying to write songs about prostitutes and lesbians.

Press: The French have not made up their minds about the Beatles. What do you think of them?
John: Oh, we like the Beatles.

Press: Who thought up the name Beatles?
Paul: I thought of it.
Press: Why?
Paul: Why not?

That Ringo was apparently quite the wit. Check it out here. Oh, and let's not forget Corey, who sent the original link. Isn't she great, folks? Give her a hand. COREY! *Audience goes wild*

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