Monday, February 11, 2008

Movie Posters

You can find movie reviews in hundreds, probably thousands of places online. If you restrict yourself to B-movie cinema or Swedish films made during the 70s, there are maybe dozens of sites. But I'm pretty sure there is only one site that reviews the movie posters.

Welcome to the Internet Movie Poster Awards. They're often the first place I go to look for upcoming movies, aside from Apple's trailer page. New in the past week, for instance, is "Quantum of Solace," the new James Bond flick, one to go down in history as having one of the most bizarre titles of any James Bond flick (It's the name of one of Ian Fleming's short story compilations, but still). But that's not all. The site also tracks movie posters from 1999 and decides which are the best, worst, funniest, most artistic and some other categories I forget.

Anyway, give it a whirl. At the very least, you'll find some posters for movies you didn't know existed.

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