Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Insultingly Stupid Movie Physics

Have you ever been insulted by the logical leaps that movies require you to make? Like when a gun never runs out of ammo, or the heroic main character takes a pull on a cigarette, then tosses it into a nearby pool of gasoline, setting the entire warehouse ablaze as he walks away smoothly? Me too. Here to make you feel even more smug and superior about film is the Intuitor website, with their Insultingly Stupid Movie Physics. Among the topics covered, you'll find the "sparking bullet" (when bullets ricochet, they don't spark at all. Handgun bullets are copper-coated lead. Copper is specifically chosen because it doesn't heat up to the degree steel does, and therefore won't spark, blowing up the entire gun in your hands. Cool, huh?), "flaming cars" (Bullets striking a gas tank could never blow up a car, nor could falling from great heights), "space explosions" (there's no air in space, therefore no sound to travel through. Apparently, the early Star Trek episodes got it right and displayed explosions with no sound), and the ever-popular "visible laser" (laser tripwires would be invisible unless pointed through a cloud of smoke or something, an idea that Hollywood has been more consistent about in the past years).

Also on the site are movie reviews based on their scientific accuracy. Worst movie: The Core. It was both terrible and inaccurate. Read the review here.

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