Sunday, December 23, 2007

Things Of Interest

This, ladies and gentlemen, is one of my favorite sites. Not quite a blog, but something much better, it holds true to its promise: Things Of Interest. Case in point:

This is a graph of the function: F(n)=2400-4896n+3670n2-1175n3+170n4-9n5 over 40. Take a look at the numbers. Yes. Those are the LOST numbers (If you don't watch LOST, then just skip the paragraph and go to the website). He figured out a polynomial that passes through each integer (4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42) in sequence (the next number is 46. After that, it drops down to -52).

Sam Hughes, mastermind and Time Magazine's Person of the Year for 2006, maintains and writes for the site, where he uploads his fiction and musings. His fiction is great, but the real goldmine is to be found in his numerous musings. You can find pages with calculators to determine exactly how much you owe the RIAA in stolen music and movies, pages on why Snorlax is awesome, and my personal favorite: How To Commit Geocide(destroying the Earth. Chock-full of sciencey goodness). Go to his site and be enlightened.

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