Friday, October 17, 2008

Life In Color

I've remarked on the top-notch National Geographic photos before, but I found a neat little feature they've been doing that deserves its own mention. The Life In Color series illustrates the chromatic diversity of the world. Here we go.

Woo! If you want to see the full range of awesomeness on these photos, here you go: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, and Brown.

In other news, what's up with those tricky-as-hell-to-open plastic packages that expensive electronic things come in? You know the kind I'm talking about. You need some seriously sharp scissors to open them, and all it takes is one slip of the hand to accidentally cut a vital wire (I almost learned this the hard way about ten minutes ago). It does not seem like an efficient packaging standard. And here's the kicker: scissors come in these things. What if you don't have any secondary scissors? It's a total Catch-22. The company that packages stuff and the scissor companies are TOTALLY in cahoots. It just makes me SO IRRATIONALLY MAD. Also, Fall Break! Woo!

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