Friday, August 15, 2008


Wow. I'm so sorry. I've spent the last week without internet access, either in Toronto (awesome) or Augusta (less so). But now that I'm back, I got stuff to say. Or link to. I thought I would post a few of the best commercials I've ever seen. This first one is for Traveler's Insurance. It amazes me how much people spend on advertising; when so little people are swayed by them.

Then there's the ever-amazing "Cog" famous because it used no CG and no trick photography. It did take a couple thousand takes before they had enough usable material, but all components are actually from the Honda Accord (the tires are weighted, in case you're wondering).

This one's European, so it got limited US airtime. The song is "La Breeze" by Simian.

This ad is Escher-inspired, which reminds me; if anyone would like to take my as-of-yet unused DJ name of "MC Esha", feel free (try something involving the lines "twisted beats" or "flows to confuse yo' eyes").

This one's from New Zealand, proving something or other.

I'll just go ahead and stop commenting on these.

That last one was banned, and the one before that was local (where I am). These next two hold a special place in my heart as the two greatest ads ever; and where ads are chunks of time to waste until the show comes back on, it means something when I would just rather just watch them on repeat than, say, an episode of "Two & A Half Men".

While I'm here, I'd just like to add: Who the hell is Michael Phelps? Who elected him Mayor of "Let's All Stop What We're Doing So We Can Gape In Awe At The Swimming Man"(which is kind of an awkward name for a town, but who am I to judge)? I am sick and tired of hearing about this wunderkind who can do something a little better than anyone else before him.

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