Monday, July 14, 2008

The Ford SportKa

Continuing in the tradition of giving their cars bad names (The Probe? Really?) Ford released the Ka in 1996 to, let's say... moderate reception. Why not. It was followed by the SportKa in 2003, a reimagining of the car to appear sportier and tough as a response to the Ka's widely perceived "cute" design. Looking to come up with a fitting ad campaign, some bright spark at Ford came up with "The Ka's Evil Twin." Fun, right? Yeah, take a look at the two viral TV ads that ran that year, Pigeon and Cat.

Not too surprisingly, a general uproar was instated and the ads came off the air. It becomes more interesting when you find out that the creative ad execs at Ford apparently didn't give those ads the go-ahead, meaning that someone at Ogilvy Mather (the ad agency) had decided to just put them on air anyway. Of course, taking them off the air, or in fact even airing them in the first place was a surefire way to drum up more business by having every single man woman and child online talk about the outrageous ads (just like I'm doing right now). Because of all this, the true origin of the ads may well be never known. More info can be found here.

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