Wednesday, April 16, 2008

How Stuff Works

Most of you are probably familiar with, a site that answers all of life's big questions, like what would happen if everyone in America flushed their toilets at the same time (it wouldn't be pretty), or how freegans work (woo). You might not be familiar, however, with the Entertainment channel of the same website. How Stuff Works' Entertainment Channel analyzes the inner machinations of stuff that doesn't exist. Case in point:

Yes, friends. That is a lightsaber.

I stumbled upon this gem when looking for a functioning Batsuit online. My mind was swollen with dreams of soaring across rooftops, seeking to dish out punishment to some two-bit crooks as some form of twisted retribution towards the man who had killed my parents all those years ago. Far too late, of course, I realized that I was not, in fact, Bruce Wayne. Just as well. Further probing would reveal the articles "Is Batman A Sociopath?" and an interview with Christian Bale stating that the Batsuit was "hot, dark and sweaty and it gave [him] a headache." Apparently that helped him get into character, so it all evens out. Here you can find out how an actual Batsuit would work.

I would advise the following starting points: Comic Books, Memorable Movies, Musicians & Bands and TV Shows. Good stuff.

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