Monday, April 7, 2008

The Double-Tongued Dictionary

Remember Unwords? Remember Rinkworks? Remember Inherently Funny, or the Hep Dictionary? Continuing in my fine tradition of learning you all some good vocabulary, I present The Double-Tongued Dictionary, where you'll find such grand new catchphrases such as the slightly sexist but nonetheless funny

Tampon Rock: This genre is girls or women with guitars or a piano, singing poetically about their emotions and their inner worlds. Jewel, Aimee Mann, Tori Amos, Peaches, Liz Phair and their queen Sarah McLachlan are excellent examples of this. This is the kind of music that makes you believe you need a uterus to have real emotions.

Good stuff. The Doubled-Tongued Dictionary: A Lexicon of Fringe English, Focusing on Slang, Jargon and New Words.

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