Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Best Band Name Ever

While lurking about the 'tubes, I found this treasure. To quote directly from the page:

Think you’ve come up with the best band name ever? Yeah, me too. I’ve come up with plenty of them, some good ones too, but most are just awful (therein lies the fun). Regardless, they all deserve some sort of merit, like say, a comprehensive list on a website. This is that list.
Who among us has not misspelt a phrase or come up with some catchy two-word rhyme and instantly thought "I shall start a band. And I shalt call it X!", Where X is a band name of your choice (I personally lean towards "The Everlovin' Muffin"). My personal favorites are The Roamin' Catholics, The Bwah-Ha-Has, The Möbius Strippers, The Natural Causes, The Oh God No's, Sans Serif, The Cedartown Highschool Marching Band, and Good As In Awesome. The website, unfortunately, is no longer taking admissions. If you think of a good one, just post it in the comments.

EDIT: I just thought of another one: Move Zig. Eh? Get it? No? You need to spend more time on the internet.

For great justice.

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