Friday, February 22, 2008

Of All The People In All The World

I'm not quite sure what Stan's Café is, but they're doing something great in the UK. For the past couple years, they've been making giant piles of rice. What for? Demonstrative purposes. Until now, demographics have been represented by numbers, which are, of course, fine. However, numbers are, in and of themselves, rather dry. One way to solve that is through visual demonstration. If very single person on Earth was represented by a single grain of rice, numbers would be a whole lot easier to swallow. For your viewing pleasure I present a sterling example:

Imagine the number of people on Earth. By now, it's gotta be near 7 billion. Seven billion, so what? It's just a number. Now imagine 104 TONS of rice just sitting there in front of you. Pick up one of those grains. That's you. Gives you the jibblies, doesn't it? I couldn't find a picture of one hundred tons of rice, but rest assured, if 100 tons of tiny grains were dropped on you, you'd die. That's a lot of rice. Here's a video interview with someone who is somehow involved with this project. It's also an advertisement, so when you hear the words "At" turn it off. It only gets boring from then on.

OK, that's all! Except for these.

This one's terrifying. It's all the people who saw the final episode of American Idol. OK, so, here's the site, but there's not really anything there.

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