Thursday, January 31, 2008

Troy Hurtubise

Who is Troy Hurtubise? He is the man with the plan, a smooth-as-silk operator who dazzles both admirer and contractor alike, leaving them wanting more. He is an inventor. He invented this:

This guy is the real life Iron Man. The picture above is of his Trojan suit, the armor he went bankrupt developing and eventually had to raffle off after it failed to generate interest on eBay. Somewhat better well-known, however, is his Ursus bearsuit, the subject of a 1996 documentary "Project Grizzly", which profiles his attempts at designing a suit that would be impervious to a bear attack (After being attacked by a bear in 1984, he decided to learn as much as he could about grizzlies, but found he couldn't get close enough without being in danger. Then, one day, he saw RoboCop. True story). Six prototypes later, he succeeded in creating the Mark VI. I'm not sure if it actually works bear-wise, but it sure seems sturdy to me:

I can't decide if the best part is when they throw him down an escarpment, when he gets hit by a car, or when the guy destroys a baseball bat on him. You can also find more info on the Trojan suit from this video. Other inventions include the 1313 paste, an inexpensive concoction which he spreads on Kevlar and presses in a vice to make a panel that can withstand direct assault from shotgun slugs, rifle fire and enough explosive to demolish a car. It also managed to withstand multiple direct hits from a sniper rifle, a feat that has not been duplicated by any other material currently in use by any world government. Apparently the inspiration for both the 1313 paste and the Trojan suit was his brother, who's serving in the Canadian military. Awww.

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