Monday, January 21, 2008

Panel One

A new webcomic today. Whoo hoo!

Ever read something that is all at once, weird, thought-provoking and funny? It's getting harder and harder to find imaginative material as the media scene becomes more and more lowbrow. I spend so much time online because movies are stupid and books are becoming more and more disappointing as my tolerance for inane literature plummets. But I digress. Panel One is a webcomic that stands alone in its format: a single panel, alone with its thoughts, presented as a caption. The meta-fictional barb comes into play when the caption proves a Socratic foil, disagreeing with everything the panel has to say. Where the panel provides a calm analysis of itself as a blank panel, the caption that the panel speaks through is a crass loudmouth. It is, however, quick to point out: "'Cursing is for the inarticulate', right? Bullshit. That's a myth perpetuated by prigs like you." After going back and forth for a while, the story's flow is somewhat interrupted by the alphabet, who drifts in to prove how important she is to the narrative...

Now, I'm not the kind of person to end a synopsis on an ellipse; it's not something I do. But there is so much point/counterpoint debate in the story I felt compelled to end on a somewhat mysterious note. Plus, I haven't read it all yet. But it totally rules. Check it out here.

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