Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Fiction Liberation Front

The Fiction Liberation Front is a spectacular idea. It's a way to provide short fiction online free of charge to readers. According to its creator, Lewis Shiner, the internet has toppled the world's short story market. Short story magazines are going the way of the dodo. The FLF has a sizable collection of short stories and articles by Lewis Shiner. They are all pretty great, but my favorites are: Stuff of Dreams, The Circle (one of the most original horror stories I've read in a while) and Fractal Geometry.

On a related note, I'd like to see a compendium of online short fiction for ANY author, wiki-style. Unfortunately, there's no way to do that unless you want a bunch of terribly punctuated bland stories and, God forbid, fanfic. Alas, I believe it will be a while until I find a solution for that one. If you have any idea about somefink like that, post about it in the comments.

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