Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Encyclopedia Obscura

Who wants some obscure Japanese documentaries? How about some obscure Mr. T merchandise that defies all logic? Or an obscure Star Wars holiday special, or the world's gayest game (I don't mean it's stupid, it really is homosexual)?

It really is a shame that he stopped posting in 2003, because the man had a real knack for digging up the obscure. That doesn't mean that there isn't a veritable treasure trove on his site.

There's not a whole lot more to say about the site, so on to the articles: First up we have Stupid Toy Tie-Ins, where he finds the most bizarre things to make a toy out of, then talks about how stupid it is. Don't miss out on the Boba Fett cake pan. What was Lucas thinking? Next up we have Robo Vampire: The Movie. If you're only going to follow one link today, make it this one. It's better than the Something Awful movie reviews (I'll cover those some other time). And now we have Einstein's Brain, a movie about a Japanese professor looking for Einstein's brain. It's a DOCUMENTARY. Looks absolutely (unintentionally) hysterical. I'm looking for a copy online.

OK, this next one needs some setup. It has become a part of the internet's subconscious. The page I'm about to link to is the number three Google match when you search for Cho Aniki (it used to be number one). You may have seen this gif before, and all I can say is "wow" (I can't make the gif move for some reason, so go to the site). I can't really say anything that hasn't already been said about this game.

Moving right along, we find Translators Say The Darnest Things, an exploration of the beauty of movie and television subtitling.

It's a great site. Did you know that the word "Ninja" is illegal if used in advertising in the Netherlands? That it is.

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