Friday, December 21, 2007


Happy birthday, Sayer. This post is half of your birthday present.

Many argue that graffiti somehow devalues a property, shows disdain for ownership, is simple vandalism. In many cases that's true. But who's to say that ALL graffiti should be erased, taken from public space, forgotten? Art is the highest form of expression, and to limit the amount of art viewable by the public is nothing short of elitism. And anyone who says graffiti isn't art is simply generalizing. Art and graffiti aren't mutually exclusive. You can learn a lot about a place by looking at the writing on the wall.

Case in point: Banksy is a British graffiti artist. Anyone remotely interested in the subject likely knows his name and his work. His work is usually satiric in nature, and often comments on society, religion, politics and capitalism. Sometimes it simply serves to challenge your perceptions:

You can find dozens of his pieces on his website. His outdoor pieces are his best (in my humble opinion) but all of his pieces are distinctive and simply great. If you like any of his work, do not hesitate: BUY THIS BOOK. It's spectacular. If you doubt still, take a look at the customer reviews on the page (That one star review doesn't count. That guy doesn't know what's going on).

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