Thursday, November 15, 2007

Childhood Brain Modification

Can you remember back when you were little, you used to press your hands really hard against the inside of a doorway for like, thirty seconds and then step out and feel your arms slowly lift towards the ceiling? No? Then go do it. RIGHT NOW. I'll wait. Wasn't that great? Now imagine a website that acts as a collection of all that cool stuff you used to do when you were a blissfully ignorant child. It's right here. The site has a bunch of stuff from the site's author, but 90% of it is user comments on other stuff you can do. You wouldn't believe how much this could fill an empty day. On a slightly related topic, watch this (don't look away) until it tells you to stop. Then look around the room. Try looking at your hand, then at the floor while you walk. Very cool:

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